Look how amazing I look laughing about all the money I so easily made ALL of you addicts fork over last week! My week in financial domination was epic! This is a screenshot from a NEW financial domination clip releasing tomorrow “GT Made” I bet you can guess what its about huh?
andrew had a classic case of “monkey see, monkey do”. It all began once he saw that last money counting clip. He was one of the first to see it because I knew exactly what it was going to do to his GT addicted, weak, little brain. Seeing me counting all that money sparked something in ALL of you. So many of my old boys popped up and it was hilarious to watch. Every day I was getting tributes left and right and laughing my ass off each time just check out my purchased side of my wishlist. Anyways, andrew jumped quickly and sent $999 (CAD) to me via western union. He couldn’t wait to see his Goddess holding,counting and touching the money he had worked hard for and yes…it looks much better in MY hands! Nice work andrew and you better be working on sending me that $500 MORE! Of course my greedy, cold heart wants more! Keep on sending me that cash!
This panty wearing sissy boy is just doing what the rest of you lurking drooling fools should be doing daily. Make sure to check my instagram timeline to see most of my recent gifts I received!!
and always always ALWAYS buy me things!
Ive been having some fun around here especially with cam over on my members site! I advise you all to join now so you can stop missing all the action!
It has been awhile since i have done this. I broke free last august. I summoned
all of my will and made a last stand for my sanity and a chance to put out the GT
fire that was smoldering with me. Her fumes completely engulfed my life, my $$$,
and my xxx. my only chance was cold going cold turkey. It was much harder than i
ever imagined. cold sweats, edginess, constant bodily urges and mental tempations.
It was so hard to long on to the computer and fight my deeply programmed impulses to
look at updates, her blog, and minute by minute tweets. Even had to fight off the
urge and habit of checking into her amazon wishlist. Even that!!! She managed to
make arousing for me. Months went by and slowly i managed my way out and began to
gain some sense of normalcy. I had to get use to not having those “highs” that took
over me when she texted me to let me know a clip was ready for my consumption and
addiction. As time went by, i gained some sense
of “confidence” that i actually was back in “control” of my mind. i felt i was
strong enough to go back online and take a peak at what i had overcome. it was
late at night last month, GT had posted a series of microbikini clips. Then it
happened, i sat there staring at the preview, and that feeling that i suppressed,
that urge that washed thru my mind started to flicker back. I filled out the order
form and sat there for what seemed like hrs with my finger hovering over the enter
button. My mind was playing good cop bad cop on my shoulders. The longer i sat
there staring at the preview, i started to notice how my “mind’s logic” started to
be challenged. i was on the EDGE!!, i did it, hit enter and watched it
downloading. my heart started to pound as i new i should just cancel the download
and walk away. i couldnt move. the feelings started to flood my mind and body as
the clip popped open. Then i watched and felt that high, that high
was higher than i ever remember. maybe because it was repressed. it rebounded what
felt like a 100x fold. when it was “done” i swore that it was just one clip. i am
human and not to let it get to me. my hormones were flying after that. i let the
genie out of the bottle. i reached out to GT. before i knew what was happening she
had me buy her a few items off her amazon list. Then she made the clip to place me
back into her addictive world. i began communicating with her and i muttered the
words, “OLD HABITS NEVER DIE” Then, as she has so artfully and seductively done
time after time, she made the CLIP, 5/15/13. i couldnt stop watching it, well past
“3AM”. i went on a clip binge and bought all the clips that i missed during my
absence. It was if my period of mental freedom never happened at all. she now has
me in a constant mental cycle of clip consumption, what seems like nearly on a
daily basis. one after the other of her addressing
addiction, guidance, stroking, buying……… my mind has been turned back into
her putty. the pleasure is too intense and my control that i momentarily felt was
effortless taken away.
I just love chastity! Its so much more fun when you have an actual REAL chastity slave like daniel. I get a ton of fakers and wannabes. It takes a lot of convincing for me to take you on as a chastity slave. If you read my blogs, you have been following this saga all year long. Truthfully I dont know how long daniel was locked in chastity. I just know, I love how submissive and weak you boys get when you can’t jerk your pathetic cocks. I already have daniel under my control but having his keys took it to a whole new level…
So, I’ve been Goddess Tierra’s chastity slave for quite awhile now. It has
been quite an interesting experience because being a slave to Goddess
Tierra has been one of the most arousing experiences in my life. Nothing
gets me more excited than buying her gifts, tributing her, or following her
orders. However, the catch is that for most of this time, I haven’t been
able to have any sort of release. This just adds to the experience as each
time I give Goddess Tierra something, I fall deeper into submission.
Goddess Tierra’s #1 money slave… a title you all should be fighting for but, over the past few months only 1 of you has earned this title! It is indeed my birthday month, and daniel has been spoiling me HARD, selflessly tributing and shopping my wishlist daily! A few others have joined in on the action but only 1 person is consistently spoiled me every day this month. I love it!!! daniel is still locked in chastity and trying to lose weight. He’s only had about 4 orgasms this year hahaha which I find hilarious considering most days I am having 4-5 orgasms a night!!! Here is an updated blog from my chastity slave! I cant wait to see what he does on my actual birthday which is April 26th!!

In the middle of the night the other night, I rolled over and checked my emails on my phone and just died of laughter!! slave daniel has reached an all new level of submission in his quest to become my FAVORITE ADDICT!!! All of you should be striving to the best of the best and GT’s #1 but, daniel is consistently tributing, doing what he is supposed to be doing and now THIS lol He sent the entire email in pink font I think he is turning into a chastity panty wearing bitch boy for ME and I am going to take full advantage of this situation =)