I wasnt around today at all. I wanted to catch up with my "toys" but I woke up at 11:30am. I obviously needed my beauty sleep. I think the whole NC trip I slept 5 hours TOTAL. So, as you can imagine I was ridiculously tired. Today I had to catch up on everything I missed while being gone, paying bills and all that boring good adult shit. PLUS yesterday when I returned home this is what I got for our anniversary
My ass has been photographed a million times today hahaha the pics dark somebody didn’t know how to use the iPhone cam.
Heading home!! I had soooo much fun I could see why certain people would be so angry they weren’t there. Tickets were $35 you couldn’t afford that troll?
Anyways just checking in with everyone. I Won’t be around till Monday afternoon. I’ve got plans!!!!!!
ummmm…so Im in my hotel and I am realizing just how spoiled I am ( my boyfriend is making fun of me). I hate this hotel ew ew ew and I think I just killed a cockroach I got out here hours ago and have non stop been meeting and greeting with the magazine staff. Everyone here is awesome. I heard my tattoo feature in their magazine looks great….I havent seen it yet LOL I think its been in stores for awhile now they are going to get me some copies before I leave I am sure. This is my second national publication, so its pretty exciting.
Its so nice outside summer has definitely arrived! I have been taking serious walks with my dogs and today we took the guinea pigs to the park haha it was so funny watching them run around having fun! Since the sun is out that means less time for you boys to chat with me on yahoo. My yahoo is not open for random BS. If you have questions email me, dont send me 100 messages on yahoo. My yahoo is for MY owned boys to keep in contact and also for cam shows when I do them and for tributing sluts! Once my new NF’s design is ready I will be back taking calls on NF’s again I set my cam up and its working properly again!!!
I am also out of here on Friday heading to North Carolina for the Smokeout XI event I got hired to model at. I got a feature coming up also in the Horse Magazine that should be coming out soon and yessss its in print!!!!