Originally published at Club Tierra. You can comment here or there.
I have created a brand new yahoo messenger which I will be giving out to those deserving and I will be using my other yahoo (thegoddesstierra) For whenever I decide to log in for cam which is NEVER so don’t get your hopes up hahaha If you didnt get me an xmas gift or didnt even bother to stop by and say hello then dont be looking for an email with my new yahoo addy hahahaha pretty much everyone’s getting cut except for those of you who made my XMAS amazing you all know who you are!
Originally published at Club Tierra. You can comment here or there.
I guess that little break wasn’t so little hehehe I am well OVER busting my c4s record as you guys bust your credit cards and your losers loads hahahaha you must have all been sooo very lonely on xmas and the last few days because sales were RIDICULOUS! Holding it down at #11!!! I woke up this morning with already 97 purchases and I haven’t even posted the 2 new clips
Originally published at Club Tierra. You can comment here or there.
Merry Christmas to everyone!!! I am definitely going to be MIA the next few days my BF will be here in 4 hours I am way to excited! I was generous enough to uppload a few clips
Ham chicken stuffed with asparagus and parmesan cheese greens cornbread sausage stuffing tomato stuffed with shrimp and crab yams baked macaroni hmmm I know I am forgetting something…..
So I am pretty busy this week preparing for all of this. an hour ago the UPS lady came and dropped off a 26lb box from alberto I was anxious sooooo anxious to open it. After he made that awesome coffin for halloween we agreed he would make me something cool for every holiday… I posted a bunch of stuff on twitter but LJ is being retarded as usual and not letting me upload my images I took so check out my twitter for the pics twitter.com/misstierra I absolutely LOVE my xmas gift from alberto. I get excited everytime I get a gift but this wow it took some serious time. alberto must have got A’s in art class hahah
I already opened the 100+ boxes from last week I suppose I can wait a few days to open these

and yes I did cut my hair ughhhh long story but it will grow back eventually I kinda like it anyways I slept all weekend and fucked with pocket puppets wallet whenever I rolled over he was easily waiting for me to drain him hahaha and WOW judging by this weekend sales