Originally published at Club Tierra. You can comment here or there.

I finally took a few pics of my awesome tattoo richard paid for as my bday gift! I really need to get someone to take a pic for me. I have been getting request to do photoshoots lately since the weather is nice but I am not planning on doing anything until my sleeve tat is complete and also the stars I have on my hip I am getting enlarged and having them go up the curve on my side its going to be sexy yessssss!
The pics are hella dark and what not because ehhhhh…..long story I will save for the end of this blog haha
EVERYONE and their mom likes to grab my arm now haha I loveeeeeee it! Its going to be amazing once its complete I think 5 sessions should do it! We got the outline done and some shading in 3 1/2 hours not bad! My next appointment is May 22nd.
Originally published at Club Tierra. You can comment here or there.

and the panties in the first clip are up for auction! Im anxious to watch you boys fight for my perfection!!!
I am still waiting for the winners of last weeks auction to pay up which is fucking annoying it only makes me want to not add anymore auctions up. It says in my auction description payment is due 48hrs of the auction closing. Today was my day I was going to mail all that stuff off along with richards slave box and now I am waiting on a bunch of dumbass’s to pay up grrrrrr! irritating! I am a very impatient person and HATE waiting on other people!
I think I may work on another clip or 2 and then head out to the mall, its GORGEOUS outside today!!! I ended up spending a couple 100 bucks at one of my favorite stores the other day I forgot what it was like shopping in the mall like that I usually stick to the online shopping these days. Now mikey is sending me a giftcard to that store so i can do it all over again YAY!!! Another perfect birthday gift. He wanted to be the only one to send this kinda gift so I will share the link to the giftcards later so the rest of you can spoil me hard at one of my favorite stores.
pocket puppet and actually all of the rest of you, the week is almost over, my birthday is sunday DO NOT FUCK UP!
So I havent been around as much lately due to my computer having a nasty nasty virus it sucksss BUT, I have been enjoying the rare little bit of sunshine we have here in WA and hanging out with friends. I know you boys have your panties all bunched up but I will worry about getting the virus fixed soon. For now I am using my mac which I do love I just dont use it as much. My birthday is coming up pretty quick its time for you all to make sure your gifts are on their way!!!!! Do not disappoint me this month and start slacking with tributes! slave richard and alberto got their gifts in early with richards $1K IN FUNds and my brand new flat screen from alberto things are going great. TO THE REST OF YOU! SEND ME MY MONEY!!!!!!
Looks like Ive hooked a new little obsessed boy to use. Good job on the tributes tom look in your niteflirts mail and pay every paymail I send you!
Before you all freak out, we all know my Tease and denial clips are usually priced higher, this one is really hot but the first 30 seconds or so are distorted. Theres still audio but the beginning it looks like I am talking and moving behind a picture after this little problem the video is still a cruel sexy tease and this time you cheap fuckers can afford it!
Originally published at Club Tierra. You can comment here or there.
Real Quick before I head to the movies!! NEw clip with me counting richards birthday tribute and showing off another birthday gift from alberto! My birthday month is going good!